

Geant4 collaborators and invited persons are asked to fill the online registration form. Dead-line for registration is Friday 6th October evening. We will confirm your registration request as soon as possible.

For people coming only for the CB, see intructions in the CB page.

For people coming only for Monday, see intructions in the one day page.

Note that there is a 700 FF registration fee, payable in CASH, Monday 16 morning at the registration desk. It covers location of the main auditorium (ouch !), lunches, coffee breaks, social event.

It is important for us to know if you come with a laptop.

In order to help boostraping discussions, try to specify also a web URL that reflects your main activity in Geant4 or describe a product around Geant4 your are developing or promoting. This URL will be specified in the online list of registered people.

Use the Geant4-2000 e-mail : for any questions and suggestions.

Proceed with registration

Comments on web pages to the web master.