Instructions for Hands On IV




1) Install Hadr01 & check it runs:


# Copy Hadr01 in your "mytest dir":

> cd mytestdir

> cp -R $G4INSTALL/examples/extended/hadronic/Hadr01/ .

> cd Hadr01/

> gmake


# check it works:

> $G4WORKDIR/bin/Linux-g++/hadr01

PreInit> /control/execute vis.mac

Idle> /run/beamOn 10





2) List existing "reference physics lists":


# find command to list physics list:

Idle> help




# list physics list:

Idle> /testhadr/ListPhysics

# exit

Idle> exit





3) Check physics:


3.1) Do the following:


# Examine vis.mac:

# does more than simple visualisation setup ;-)

# From line 22 of vis.mac, change to:

/testhadr/TargetMat        G4_Pb   <----

/testhadr/TargetRadius     20 cm   <----

/testhadr/TargetLength     20 cm   <----

/testhadr/NumberDivZ       100

/testhadr/DrawTracks       all

/testhadr/CutsAll          1 mm

/testhadr/Physics          LHEP    <----



/gun/particle neutron              <----

/gun/energy 10 MeV                 <----


# execute 10 events with this setup


3.2) and then...


#Change to physics list QBBC_HP and run 10 events


# comments ?


3.3) Repeat the same for energy 1 keV


# comments ?





4) Please examine






6) Histograms


# launch application and:

   - select your favorite histo system (hbook, root, aida)

   - set the histogram file name


# run couple of events (100)


# exit and look at the output


# note:

   - by curiosity, you may have a look at to see how the various

   - histogram systems are implemented



7) try electrons (10 GeV) :-)