Members & activities
Our members are listed below, along with their laboratory.
They are members of the Geant4 Collaboration.
- Guy Barrand (IJCLab, Orsay)
- Denis Bernard (LLR, Palaiseau)
- Sabine Elles (LAPP, Annecy, till 2024)
- Laurent Garnier (now at INSU/OSUR, Rennes)
- Ivana Hrivnacova (IJCLab, Orsay)
- Sebastien Incerti (LP2iB, Bordeaux) - Geant4-DNA spokesperson since 2008
- Jean Jacquemier (LAPP, Annecy, till 2017)
- Michel Maire (LAPP, Annecy, retired)
- Claire Michelet (LP2iB, Bordeaux)
- Igor Semeniouk (LLR, Palaiseau)
- Hoang Tran (LP2iB, Bordeaux)
- Marc Verderi (LLR, Palaiseau) - Geant4 spokesperson 2020-2023
These members are involved in the following activities
- At IJCLab, activities include developments for the geometry & transport working group, for the novice & extended examples working group, and the persistency & analysis working group.
- At LAPP, activities include contributions to the electromagnetic physics working group.
- At LLR, activities include the coordination of the generic processes & materials working group, as well as the coordination of Geant4.
- At LP2iB, activities include developments for the electromagnetic physics working group as well as the coordination of the Geant4-DNA project and related developments.