
This section describes specific developments beyond the online Geant4 documentation.


  • The updated photon models based on the EPICS2017 database are described at this page.
  • For electron models, it is not necessary to implement EPICS2017 for Geant4 Livermore electron models, since the changes in EPICS2017 related to electron processes are not significant compared to previous database EEDL91. More specifically, a study for electron ionisation process and models in Geant4 is carried out and detailed in this technical note. The supplementary data involved in the study is available.

Advanced example for the simulation of proton micro-tomography

An advanced Geant4 example, named "stim_pixe_tomography", dedicated to the simulation of three dimensional proton micro-tomography experiments is being developed. Two techniques are considered: STIM-T: Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy tomography and PIXE-T: Particle-Induced X-ray Emission tomography. A user guide and more information are available at this page.

The example is available in Geant4
as the stim_pixe_tomography Advanced Example.

Geant4 Qt User Interface tutorial

The Geant4 Qt User Interface tutorial is described at this page.

Normalisation for space applications

Presentation by G. Santin, Geant4 tutorial, Paris, France, 4-8 June 2007

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