This is the list of our publications from 2003, all related to our Geant4 activities at IN2P3 (including Geant4-DNA). This page is regularly updated.
- Extension of the discrete electron transport capabilities of the Geant4-DNA toolkit to MeV energies, I. Kyriakou, H. N. Tran, L. Desorgher, V. Ivantchenko, S. Guatelli, G. Santin, P. Nieminen, S. Incerti, D. Emfietzoglou, Appl. Sci. 15, 1183 (2025) (link)
- A multiscale nanodosimetric study of GCR protons and alpha particles in the organs of astronauts on the lunar surface, J. W. Archer, M. J. Large, D. Bolst, D. Sakata, H. N. Tran, V. Ivantchenko, A. B. Rosenfeld, S. Incerti, J. M. C. Brown, S. Guatelli, Rad. Phys. Chem. 229 (2025) 112448 (link)
- Geant4-DNA development for atmospheric applications: N2, O2 and CO2 model implementation, F. Nicolanti, B. Caccia, A. Cartoni, D. Emfietzoglou, R. Faccini, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, M. Satta, H. N. Tran, C. Mancini-Terracciano, Phys. Med. 128 (2024) 104838 (link)
- Investigating ultra-high dose rate water radiolysis using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a Geant4 model of the Oriatron eRT6 electron linac, F. Chappuis, H. N. Tran, P. G. Jorge, S. A. Zein, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, C. Bailat, F. Bochud, S. Incerti, L. Desorgher, Sc. Rep. 14 (2024) 26707 (link)
- Development of a novel computational technique to create DNA and cell geometrical models for Geant4-DNA, K. Chatzipapas, H. N. Tran, M. Dordevic, D. Sakata, S. Incerti, D. Visvikis, J. Bert, Phys. Med. 127 (2024) 104389 (link)
- Review of chemical models and applications in Geant4-DNA: Report from the ESA BioRad III Project, H. N. Tran, J. Archer, G. Baldacchino, J. M. C. Brown, F. Chappuis, G. A. P. Cirrone, L. Desorgher, N. Dominguez, S. Fattori, S. Guatelli, V. Ivantchenko, J.-R. Méndez, P. Nieminen, Y. Perrot, D. Sakata, G. Santin, W.-G. Shin, C. Villagrasa, S. Zein, S. Incerti, Med. Phys. 51 (2024) 5873–5889 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulations of microdosimetry and radiolytic species production at long time post proton irradiation using GATE and Geant4-DNA, G. R. Fois, H. N. Tran, V. Fiegel, G. Blain, S. Chiavassa, E. Craff, G. Delpon, M. Evin, F. Haddad, S. Incerti, C. Koumeir, V. Métivier, Q. Mouchard, F. Poirier, V. Potiron, N. Servagent, J. Vandenborre, L. Maigne, Med. Phys. 51 (2024) 7500-7510 (link)
- In vitro validation of helium ion irradiations as a function of Linear Energy Transfer in radioresistant human malignant cells, A. M. Ristić Fira, O. D. Keta, V. D. Petković, M. Đorđević, G. Petringa, S. Fattori, R. Catalano, P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, D. Sakata, N. H. Tran, K. Chatzipapas, S. Incerti, I. M. Petrović, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 100 (2024) 1426-1437 (link)
- Modeling water radiolysis with Geant4-DNA: Impact of the temporal structure of the irradiation pulse under oxygen conditions, T. A. Le, H. N. Tran, S. Fattori, V. C. Phan, S. Incerti, arXiv:2409.11993 (2024) (link)
- Quantitative analysis of dose dependent DNA fragmentation in dry pBR322 plasmid using long read sequencing and Monte Carlo simulations, P. Beaudier, S. A. Zein, K. Chatzipapas, H. Tran, G. Devès, L. Plawinski, R. Liénard, D. Dupuy, Ph. Barberet, S. Incerti, F. Gobet, H. Seznec, Sc. Rep. 14 (2024) 18650 (link)
- Lithium inelastic cross-sections and their impact on micro and nano dosimetry of boron neutron capture, N. D-Kondo, R. Ortiz, B. Faddegon, S. Incerti, H. N. Tran, Z. Francis, E. Moreno Barbosa, J. Schuemann, J. Ramos-Méndez, Phys. Med. Biol. 69 (2024) 145016 (link)
- « dsbandrepair » - an updated Geant4-DNA simulation tool for evaluating the radiation-induced DNA damage and its repair, T. A. Le, N. H. Tran, Y. Thibaut, K. Chatzipapas, D. Sakata, S. Incerti, C. Villagrasa, Y. Perrot, Phys. Med. 124 (2024) 103422 (link)
- Electron absorbed fractions and S factors for intermediate size target volumes: comparison of analytic calculations and Monte Carlo simulations, C. Kotroumpelou, I. Kyriakou, V. Ivantchenko, S. Incerti, D. Emfietzoglou, Appl. Sci. 14 (2024) 2275 (link)
- Experimental validation in a neutron exposure frame of the MINAS TIRITH for cell damage simulation, Y. Thibaut, G. Gonon, J. S. Martinez, M. Petit, R. Babut, A. Vaurijoux, G. Gruel, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Y. Perrot, Phys. Med. Biol. 68 (2023) 225008 (link)
- Calculation of electron interaction models in N2 and O2, F. Nicolanti, B. Caccia, A. Cartoni, D. Emfietzoglou, R. Faccini, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, M. Satta, H.N. Tran, C. Mancini-Terracciano, Phys. Med. 114 (2023) 102661 (link)
- In-silico calculations of DNA damage induced by alpha-particles in the 224Ra DaRT decay chain for a better understanding of the radiobiological effectiveness of this treatment, L. Ballisat, L. Beck, C. De Sio, S. Guatelli, D. Sakata, S. Incerti, H. N. Tran, J. Duan, K. Maclean, Y. Shi, J. Velthuis, A. Rozenfeld, Phys. Med. 112 (2023) 102626 (link)
- Geant4-DNA simulation of human cancer cells irradiation with helium ion beams, K. Chatzipapas, M. Dordevic, S. Zivkovic, N. H. Tran, N. Lampe, D. Sakata, I. Petrovic, A. Ristic-Fira, W.-G. Shin, S. Zein, J. M. C. Brown, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 112 (2023) 102613 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulations of electron interactions with the DNA molecule: A complete set of physics models for Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit, S. A. Zein,, M.-C. Bordage, H. N. Tran, G. Macetti, A. Genoni, C. Dal Cappello, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 542 (2023) 51-60 (link)
- Space radiation quality factor for Galactic Cosmic Rays and typical space mission scenarios using a microdosimetric approach, A. Papadopoulos, I. Kyriakou, S. Incerti, G. Santin, P. Nieminen, I. A. Daglis, W. Li, D. Emfietzoglou, Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 62 (2023) 221-234 (link)
- The general-purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit and its Geant4-DNA extension to investigate mechanisms underlying the FLASH effect in radiotherapy: current status and challenges, F. Chappuis, H. N. Tran, S. A. Zein, C. Bailat, S. Incerti, F. Bochud, L. Desorgher, Phys. Med. 110 (2023) 102601 (link)
- Modeling of scavenging systems for water radiolysis with Geant4-DNA, F. Chappuis, V. Grilj, H. N. Tran, S. Zein, F. Bochud, C. Bailat, S. Incerti, L. Desorgher, Phys. Med. 108 (2023) 102549 (link)
- Simulation of DNA damage using Geant4-DNA: an overview of the “molecularDNA” example application, K. P. Chatzipapas, N. H. Tran, M. Dordevic, S. Zivkovic, S. Zein, W.-G. Shin, D. Sakata, N. Lampe, J. M. C. Brown, A. Ristic-Fira, I. Petrovic, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, Prec. Radiat. Oncol. 7 (2023) 4-14 (link)
- Sub-keV corrections to binary encounter cross section models for electron ionization of liquid water with application to the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code, S. Margis, I. Kyriakou, S. Incerti, M.-C. Bordage, D. Emfietzoglou, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 194 (2023) 110693 (link)
- MINAS TIRITH: A new tool for simulating radiation-induced DNA damage at the cell population level, Y. Thibaut, G. Gonon, J. Martinez-Guerrero, M. Petit, A. Vaurijoux, G. Gruel, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Y. Perrot, Phys. Med. Biol. 68 (2023) 034002 (2023) (link)
- Accuracy of three-dimensional proton imaging of an inertial confinement fusion target assessed by Geant4 simulation, Z. Li, S. Incerti, D. Beasley, H. Shen, S. Wang, H. Seznec, C. Michelet, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 536 (2023) 38-44 (link)
- Prediction of DNA rejoining kinetics and cell survival for V79 cells using Geant4-DNA, D. Sakata, R. Hirayama, W.-G. Shin, M. Belli, M. A. Tabocchini, O. Belov, M. A. Bernal, M.-C. Bordage, J. M. C. Brown, F. Chappuis, L. Desorgher, D. Emfietzoglou, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, T. Inaniwa, V. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, I. Kyriakou, Z. Li, S. Meylan, C. Michelet, N. Lampe, K. Murakami, S. Okada, Y. Perrot, I. Petrovic, J. Ramos-Mendez, A. Ristic-Fira, G. Santin, T. Sasaki, J. Schuemann, H. N. Tran, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. (2023) 102508 (link) - corrigendum - Galileo Galilei Award 2023 of the European Journal of Medical Physics, see the Winter 2024 issue of the EFOMP European Medical Physics News.
- Electron tracks simulation in water: performance comparison between GPU, CPU and the EUMED grid installation, E. Seif, Z. El Bitar, S. Incerti, M. A. Bernal, Z. Francis, Phys. Med. 104 (2022) 56-66 (link)
- Validation of the Geant4 PIXE component for incident carbon ions, S. Bakr, D. D. Cohen, R. Siegele, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, A. Mantero, A. Rosenfeld, S. Guatelli, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 532 (2022) 38-46 (link)
- Intercomparison of nanodosimetric distributions in nitrogen simulated with Geant4 and PTra track structure codes, M. Pietrzak, H. Nettelbeck, Y. Perrot, C. Villagrasa, A. Bancer, M. Bug, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 102 (2022) 103-109 (link)
- Microdosimetry study of proton quality factor using analytic model calculations, A. Papadopoulos, I. Kyriakou, Y. Matsuya, S. Incerti, I. Daglis, D. Emfietzoglou, Appl. Sci. 12 (2022) 8950 (link)
- A model for Geant4-DNA to simulate ionization and excitation of liquid water by protons travelling above 100 MeV, A. D. Dominguez-Munoz, M. I. Gallardo, M. C. Bordage, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, M. A. Cortes-Giraldo, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 199 (2022) 110363 (link)
- Nanodosimetric calculations of radiation-induced DNA damage in a new nucleus geometrical model, Y. Thibaut, N. Tang, H. N. Tran, A. Vaurijoux, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Y. Perrot, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23 (2022) 3770 (link)
- Experimental cross sections for water ionization due to the impact of light ions. A review. M. A. Bernal, J. A. Liendo, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, H. N. Tran, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 217 (2022) 6-15 (link)
- Implementation of the EPICS2017 database for photons in Geant4, Z. Li, C. Michelet, S. Incerti, I. Ivanchenko, M. Novak, S. Guatelli, H. Seznec, Phys. Med. 95 (2022) 94-115 (link)
- Status and Extension of the Geant4-DNA Dielectric Models for Application to Electron Transport, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Incerti, Font. Phys. 9 (2022) 711317 (link)
- A Geant4 simulation of X-ray emission for three-dimensional proton imaging of microscopic samples, C. Michelet, Z. Li, H. Jalenques, S. Incerti, P. Barberet, G. Devès, M.-H. Delville, H. Seznec, Phys. Med. 94 (2022) 85-93 (link)
- Review of the Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit for radiobiological applications at the cellular and DNA level, I. Kyriakou, D. Sakata, H. N. Tran, Y. Perrot, W. G. Shin, N. Lampe, S. Zein, M. C. Bordage, S. Guatelli, C. Villagrasa, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Incerti, Cancers 14 (2022) 35 (link)
- DNA damage modeled with Geant4-DNA: effects of plasmid DNA conformation and experimental conditions, N. D-Kondo, E. Moreno-Barbosa, V. Štěphán, K. Stefanová, Y. Perrot, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, B. De Celis Alonso, J. Schuemann, B. Faddegon, J. Ramos-Méndez, Phys. Med. Biol. 66 (2021) 245017 (link)
- Performance evaluation for repair of HSGc-C5 carcinoma cell using Geant4-DNA, D. Sakata, M. Suzuki, R. Hirayama, Y. Abe, M. Muramatsu, S. Sato, O. Belov, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, T. Inaniwa, Cancers 13 (2021) 6046 (link)
- A Geant4-DNA evaluation of radiation-induced DNA damage on a human fibroblast, W.-G. Shin, D. Sakata, N. Lampe, O. Belov, H. N. Tran, I. Petrovic, A. Ristic-Fira, M. Dordevic, M. Bernal, M.-C. Bordage, Z. Francis, I. Kyriakou, Y. Perrot, T. Sasaki, C. Villagrasa, S. Guatelli, V. Breton, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Incerti, Cancers 13 (2021) 4940 (link)
- Geant4 X-ray fluorescence with updated libraries, S. Bakr, D. D. Cohen, R. Siegele, J. W. Archer, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, A. Mantero, A. Rosenfeld, S. Guatelli, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 507 (2021) 11-19 (link)
- TOPAS-nBio validation for simulating water radiolysis and DNA damage under Low-LET irradiation, J. Ramos-Méndez, J. LaVerne, N. Domínguez-Kondo, J. Milligan, V. Štěphán, M. Šefl, Y. Perrot, C. Villagrasa, W-G. Shin, S. Incerti, A. McNamara, H. Paganetti, J. Perl, J. Schuemann, B. Faddegon, Phys. Med. Biol. 66 (2021) 175026 (link)
- DNA double-strand breaks in cancer cells as a function of proton linear energy transfer and its variation in time, O. Keta, V. Petković, P. Cirrone, G. Petringa, G. Cuttone, D. Sakata, W.-G. Shin, S. Incerti, I. Petrović, A. Ristić-Fira, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 97 (2021) 1229-1240 (link)
- Geant4-DNA simulation of the pre-chemical stage of water radiolysis and its impact on initial radiochemical yields, W.-G. Shin, J. Ramos-Mendez, N. H. Tran, S. Okada, Y. Perrot, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 88 (2021) 86-90 (link)
- Geant4-DNA modeling of water radiolysis beyond the microsecond : an on-lattice stochastic approach, H. N. Tran, F. Chappuis, S. Incerti, F. Bochud, L. Desorgher, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (2021) 6023 (link) and in Encyclopedia (2021) 12236 (link)
- A benchmarking study of Geant4 for Auger electrons emitted by medical radioisotopes, S. Bakr, T. Kibedi, B. Tee, D. Bolst, M. Vos, M. Alotiby, L. Dersorgher, D. H. W. Wright, A. Mantero, A. Rosenfeld, V. Ivanchenko, S. Incerti, S. Guatelli, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 174 (2021) 109777 (link)
- Le code Geant4-DNA : simuler les premiers instants de la radiolyse de l’eau, W. G. Shin, H. Tran, J. Ramos-Méndez, Y. Perrot, G. Montarou, Z. Francis, G. Baldacchino, B. Faddegon, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, L'actualité chimique (2021) 460-461 (link) - in French
- Monte Carlo simulation of SARS-CoV-2 radiation-induced inactivation for vaccine development, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, S. A. Zein, N. Lampe, C. A. Guzman, M. Durante, Rad. Res. 195 (2021) 221-229 (link) - Radiation Research journal cover page (link)
- Monte Carlo study of patient and medical staff radiation doses during interventional cardiac scenarios, M. Bhar, S. Mora, S. Zein, O. Kadri, K. Manai, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 82 (2021) 200-210 (link)
- Assessment of DNA damage with a new Independent Reaction Time approach implemented in Geant4-DNA for the simulation of diffusion-controlled reactions between radio-induced reactive species and a chromatin fiber, H. N. Tran, J. R. Mendez, W. G. Shin, Y. Perrot, B. Faddegon, S. Okada, M. Karamitros, M. Davidkova, V. Stepan, S. Incerti, C. Villagrasa, Med. Phys. 48 (2021) 890-901 (link)
- Report on G4‐Med, a Geant4 benchmarking system for medical physics applications developed by the Geant4 Medical Simulation Benchmarking Group, P. Arce, D. Bolst, M.‐C. Bordage, J. M. C. Brown, P. Cirrone, M. A. Cortés‐Giraldo, D. Cutajar, G. Cuttone, L. Desorgher, P. Dondero, A. Dotti, B. Faddegon, C. Fedon, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, D. Konstantinov, I. Kyriakou, G. Latyshev, A. Le, C. Mancini‐Terracciano, M. Maire, A. Mantero, M. Novak, C. Omachi, L. Pandola, A. Perales, Y. Perrot, G. Petringa, J. M. Quesada, J. Ramos‐Méndez, F. Romano, A. B. Rosenfeld, L. G. Sarmiento, D. Sakata, T. Sasaki, I. Sechopoulos, E. C. Simpson, T. Toshito, D. H. Wright, Med. Phys. 48 (2021) 19-56 (link)
- Electron transport in DNA bases: An extension of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo toolkit, S. A. Zein, M.-C. Bordage, Z. Francis, G. Macetti, A. Genoni, C. Dal Capello, W.-G. Shin, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 488 (2021) 70-82 (link)
- DNA damage assessment of human breast and lung carcinoma cells irradiated with protons and carbon ions, A. M. Ristić Fira, O. D. Keta, V. D. Petković, F. P. Cammarata, G. Petringa, P. G.A. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, S. Incerti, I. M. Petrović, J. Radiat. Res. Appl. Sci. 13 (2020) 672-687 (link)
- Full integrated Monte Carlo simulation for evaluating radiation induced DNA damage and following repair using Geant4-DNA, D.Sakata, O. Belov, M.-C. Bordage, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Guatelli, T. Inaniwa, V. Ivantchenko, M. Karamitros, I. Kyriakou, N. Lampe, I. Petrovic, A. Ristic-Fira, W.-G. Shin, S. Incerti, Sc. Rep. 10 (2020) 20788 (link)
- Cosmic-Ray Tracks in Astrophysical Ices: Modeling with the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo Toolkit, C. N. Shingledecker, S. Incerti, A. Ivlev, D. Emfietzoglou, I. Kyriakou, A. Vasyunin, P. Caselli, ApJ 904 (2020) 189 (link)
- Geant4 electromagnetic physics progress, V. Ivantchenko, A. Bagulya, S. Bakr, M. Bandieramonte, D. Bernard, M.-C. Bordage, H. Burkhardt, V. Grichine, S. Guatelli, I. Hrivnakova, S. Incerti, O. Kadri, I. Kyriakou, M. Maire, A. Mantero, M. Novak, D. Sawkey, I. Semeniouk, W. G. Shin, N. H. Tran, L. Urban, EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020) 02009 (link)
- Monte Carlo models of electron transport for dose-enhancement calculations in nanoparticle-aided radiotherapy, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Incerti, Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy: Principles, methods and applications, by Erno Sajo and Piotr Zygmanski, IOP Publishing (2020) (link)
- Advances in modelling gold nanoparticle radio-sensitisation using new Geant4-DNA physics models, E. Engels, S. Bakr, D. Bolst, D. Sakata, N. Li, P. Lazarakis, S. McMahon, V. Ivanchenko, A. Rosenfeld, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, M. L. F. Lerch, M. Tehei, S. Corde, S. Guatelli, Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 225017 (link)
- Virus Irradiation and COVID-19 Disease, M. Durante, K. Schulze, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, S. Zein, C. A. Guzman, Front. Phys. 8 (2020) 565861 (link)
- Independent Reaction Times method in Geant4-DNA: implementation and performance, J. Ramos-Mendez, W.-G. Shin, J. Domínguez-Kondo, S. Incerti, H. Tran, C. Villagrasa, Y. Perrot, V. Stepan, M. Karamitros, S. Okada, E. Moreno-Barbosa, B. Faddegon, Med. Phys. 47 (2020) 5919-5930 (link)
- Implementing the Independent Reaction Time method in Geant4 for radiation chemistry simulations, M. Karamitros, J. M. C. Brown, N. Lampe, D. Sakata, N. H. Tran, W.-G. Shin, J. R. Mendez, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, J. A. LaVerne, arXiv:2006.14225 (2020) (link)
- Monte Carlo dosimetry of a realistic multicellular model of follicular lymphoma in a context of radioimmunotherapy, J. Bordes, S. Incerti, E. Mora-Ramirez, J. Tranel, C. Rossi, C. Bezombes, J. Bordenave, M. Bardiès, M.-C. Bordage, Med. Phys. 47 (2020) 5222-5234 (link)
- Development of prompt gamma imaging and positron emission tomography system for in vivo 3D dose verification : a monte carlo study, H. J. Choi, J. W. Jang, W. G. Shin, H. Park, S. Incerti, C. H. Min, Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 105005 (link)
- Advances in Geant4 applications in medicine, S. Incerti, J.M.C. Brown, S.Guatelli, Phys. Med. 70 (2020) 224-227 (link)
- Microdosimetric calculations of the direct DNA damage induced by low energy electrons using the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo code, S. Margis, M. Magouni, I. Kyriakou, A. G. Georgakilas, S. Incerti, D. Emfietzoglou, Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 045007 (link)
- Determination of fast neutron RBE using a fully mechanistic computational model, A. Zabihi, J. Tello, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, G. Forozani, F. Semsarha, A. Moslehi, M. A. Bernal, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 156 (2020) 108952 (link)
- Assessment of the biological response of endothelial cells irradiated with 40 kVp, 220 kVp and 4 MV X-rays by means of micro and nanodosimetric calculations, N. Tang, M. Bueno, S. Meylan, Y. Perrot, H. N. Tran, A. Freneau, M. Dos Santos, A. Vaurijoux, G. Gruel, M. A. Bernal, M.-C. Bordage, D. Emfietzoglou, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, V. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, I. Kyriakou, W.-G. Shin, S. Incerti, C. Villagrasa, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (2019) 6204 (link)
- A simulation study of gold nanoparticles localisation effects on radiation enhancement at the mitochondrion scale, Z. Francis, G. Montarou, S. Incerti, M. Bernal, S. Zein, Phys. Med. 67 (2019) 148-154 (link)
- Environmental Ionizing Radiation is Not a Significant Evolutionary Abiotic Driver for Escherichia coli, N. Lampe, P. Marin, M. Coulon, P. Micheau, L. Maigne, D. Sarramia, F. Piquemal, S. Incerti, D. G. Biron, C. Ghio, T. Sime-Ngando, T. Hindre, V. Breton, Sc. Rep. 9 (2019) 14891 (link)
- Evaluation of the influence of physical and chemical parameters on water radiolysis simulations under MeV electron irradiation using Geant4-DNA, W.-G. Shin, J. Ramos-Mendez, B. Faddegon, H. N. Tran, C. Villagrasa, Y. Perrot, S. Okada, M. Karamitros, D. Emfietzoglou, I. Kyriakou, M. C. Bordage, D. Sakata, S. Guatelli, H. J. Choi, C. H. Min, S. B. Lee, S. Incerti, J. Appl. Phys. 125 (2019) 104301 (link)
- A Geant4 simulation for three-dimensional proton imaging of microscopic samples, C. Michelet, Z Li, W. Yang, S. Incerti, P. Desbarats, J.-F. Giovannelli, P. Barberet, M.-H. Delville, N. Gordillo, G. Devès, H. Seznec, Phys. Med. 65 (2019) 172-180 (link)
- Photochemistry on the Space Station - Aptamer resistance to space conditions : particles exposure from irradiation facilities and real exposure outside the International Space Station, G. Coussot, A. Le Postollec, S. Incerti, M. Baqué, C. Faye, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, H. Cottin, C. Ravelet, E. Peyrin, E. Fiore, F. Vigier, J. Caron, D. Chaput, B. Przybyla, T. Berger, M. Dobrijevic, Astrobiology 19(8) (2019) 1063-1074 (link)
- Photochemistry on the Space Station - Antibody resistance to space constraints after exposure outside the International Space Station, G. Coussot, A. Le Postollec, C. Faye, M. Baqué, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouzee, S. Incerti, F. Vigier, D. Chaput, H. Cottin, B. Przybyla, T. Berger, M. Dobrijevic, Astrobiology 19(8) (2019) 1053-1062 (link)
- Monte-Carlo dosimetry and real-time imaging of targeted irradiation consequences in 2-cell stage Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, E. Torfeh, M. Simon , G. Muggiolu , G. Devès , F. Vianna , S. Bourret , S. Incerti , P. Barberet, H. Seznec, Sc. Rep. 9 (2019) 10568 (link)
- Geant4-DNA, S. Incerti, in the Summer 2019 Newsletter of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics.
- Electron track structure simulations in a gold nanoparticle using Geant4-DNA, D. Sakata, I. Kyriakou, H. N. Tran, M.-C. Bordage, A. Rosenfeld, V. Ivanchenko, S. Incerti, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Guatelli, Phys. Med. 63 (2019) 98-104 (link)
- Evaluation of Radiation DNA Damage in a Fractal Cell Nucleus model using Geant4-DNA, D. Sakata, N. Lampe, M. Karamitos, I. Kyriakou, O. Belov, M. Bernal, M.-C. Bordage, J. M. C. Brown, Z. Francis, V. Ivantchenko, K. Murakami, S. Okada, I. Petrovic, A. Ristic-Fira, T. Sasaki, W.-G. Shin, N. Tang, H. N. Tran, C. Villagrasa, D. Emfietzoglou, P. Nieminen, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 62 (2019) 152-157 (link)
- Computational approach to determine the relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons using the Geant4-DNA toolkit and a DNA atomic model from the Protein Data Bank, A. Zabihi, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, G. Forozani, F. Semsarha, A. Moslehi, P. Rezaeian, M. A. Bernal, Phys. Rev. E 99 (2019) 052404 (link)
- Biological outcomes of Gamma-radiation induced DNA damages in breast and lung cancer cells pretreated with free radical scavengers, V. D. Petković, O. D. Keta, M. Z. Vidosavljević, S. Incerti, A. M. Ristić Fira, I. M. Petrović, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 95 (2019) 274-285 (link)
- MPEXS-DNA, A new GPU-based Monte Carlo simulator for radiophysics and chemistry at subcellular scale, S. Okada, K. Murakami, S. Incerti, K. Amako, T. Sasaki, Med. Phys. 46 (2019) 1483-1500 (link)
- Influence of chromatin compaction on simulated early radiation-induced DNA damage using Geant4-DNA, N. Tang, M. Bueno, S. Meylan, S. Incerti, A. Vaurijoux, G. Gruel, C. Villagrasa, Med. Phys. 46 (2019) 1501-1511 (link)
- Simulation of early radiation-induced DNA damage on different types of cell nuclei, N. Tang, M. Bueno, S. Meylan, S. Incerti, I. Clairand, C. Villagrasa, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 183 (2018) 26-31 (link)
- Track structure simulations of proximity functions in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA toolkit, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, M. C. Bordage, S. Guatelli, V. Ivanchenko, D. Emfietzoglou, J. Appl. Phys. 125 (2019) 104301 (link)
- Influence of track structure and condensed history physics models of Geant4 to nanoscale electron transport in liquid water, I. Kyriakou, V. Ivanchenko, D. Sakata, M. C. Bordage, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, D. Emfietzoglou, Phys. Med. 58 (2019) 149-154 (link)
- Validation and investigation of reactive species yields of Geant4-DNA chemistry models, D. Peukert, S. Incerti, I. Kempson, M. Douglass, M. Karamitros, G. Baldacchino, E. Bezak, Med. Phys. 456 (2019) 983-998 (link)
- TOPAS-nBio – An extension to the TOPAS simulation toolkit for (sub-)cellular radiobiology, J. Schuemann, A. McNamara, J. Ramos, J. Perl, K. Held, H. Paganetti, S. Incerti, B. Faddegon, Rad. Res. 191 (2019) 125-139 (link)
- A new standard DNA damage (SDD) data format, J. Schuemann, A. L. McNamara, J. W. Warmenhoven, N. T. Henthorn, K. Kirkby, M. J. Merchant, S. Ingram, H. Paganetti, K. D. Held, J. Ramos-Mendez, B. Faddegon, J. Perl, D. T. Goodhead, I. Plante, H. Rabus, H. Nettelbeck, W. Friedland, P. Kundrat, A. Ottolenghi, G. Baiocco, S. Barbieri, M. Dingfelder, S. Incerti, C. Villagrasa, M. Bueno, M. A. Bernal, S. Guatelli, D. Sakata, J. M. C. Brown, Z. Francis, I. Kyriakou, N. Lampe, F. Ballarini, M. P. Carante, M. Davidkova, V. Štěpan, X. Jia, F. A. Cucinotta, R. Schulte, R. D. Stewart, D. J. Carlson, S. Galer, Z. Kuncic, S. Lacombe, J. Milligan, S. H. Cho, G. Sawakuchi, T. Inaniwa, T. Sato, W. Li, A. V. Solov’yov, E. Surdutovich, M. Durante, K. Prise, S. J. McMahon, Rad. Res. 191 (2019) 76-92 (link)
- C++ implementation of Bethe–Heitler, 5D, polarized, pair conversion event generator, I.Semeniouk, D. Bernard, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 899 (2018) 85-93 (link)
- Development of a new Geant4-DNA electron elastic scattering model for liquid-phase water using the ELSEPA code, W. G. Shin, M.-C. Bordage, D. Emfietzoglou, I. Kyriakou, D. Sakata, C. H. Min, S. B. Lee, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, J. Appl. Phys. 124 (2018) 224901 (link)
- Last Geant4 developments for PIXE applications, S. Bakr, D. Cohen, R. Siegele, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, A. Mantero, A. Rosenfeld, S. Guatelli, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 436 (2018) 285-291 (link)
- Geant4-DNA example applications for track structure simulations in liquid water: a report from the Geant4-DNA Project, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, M. A. Bernal, M. C. Bordage, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, V. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, N. Lampe, S. B. Lee, S. Meylan, C. H. Min, W. G. Shin, P. Nieminen, D. Sakata, N. Tang, C. Villagrasa, H. Tran, J. M. C. Brown, Med. Phys. 45 (2018) e722-e739 (link) - Press (link).
- A 5D, polarised, Bethe–Heitler event generator for gamma->e+/e-conversion, D. Bernard, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 899 (2018) 85-93 (link)
- Geometrical structures for radiation biology research as implemented in the TOPAS-nBio toolkit, A. L. McNamara, J. R. Mendez, J. Perl, K. Held, N. Dominguez, E. Moreno, N. T. Henthorn, S. Meylan, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, B. Faddegon, H. Paganetti, J. Schuemann, Phys. Med. Biol. 63 (2018) 175018 (link)
- 2D modeling: a new approach for assessing heterogeneous beta dose rates in materials dated by the luminescence and ESR methods, І: Theory and verification, L. Martin, F. Fang, N. Mercier, S. Incerti, R. Grün, Y. Lefrais, Quat. Geochronol. 48 (2018) 25-37 (link)
- Accounting for radiation-induced indirect damage on DNA with the Geant4-DNA code, L. de la Fuente Rosales, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, M. A. Bernal, Phys. Med. 51 (2018)108-116 (link)
- The role of the Associate Editor for the European Journal of Medical Physics, S. Incerti, in the Summer 2018 Newsletter of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics.
- The Geant4-DNA Project, in the Access to Infrastructures for Radiation protection Research (AIR2) / CONCERT-H2020 newsletter, Issue 28 (2018) (link)
- Geant4-DNA track-structure simulations for gold nanoparticles: the importance of electron discrete models in nanometer volumes, D. Sakata, I. Kyriakou, S. Okada, H.N. Tran, N. Lampe, S. Guatelli, M.C. Bordage, V. Ivantchenko, K. Murakami, T. Sasaki, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Incerti, Med. Phys. 45 (2018) 2230-2242 (link)
- Mechanistic DNA Damage Simulations in Geant4-DNA Part 2: Electron and Proton Damage in a Bacterial Cell, N. Lampe, M. Karamitros, V. Breton, J. M. C. Brown, D. Sakata, D. Sarramia, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 48 (2018) 146-155 (link) - corrigendum
- Mechanistic DNA Damage Simulations in Geant4-DNA Part 1: A parameter study in a simplified geometry, N. Lampe, M. Karamitros, V. Breton, J. M. C. Brown, I. Kyriakou, D. Sakata, D. Sarramia, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 48 (2018) 135-145 (link)
- Recent progress of Geant4 electromagnetic physics for calorimeter simulation, S. Incerti, V. Ivantchenko, M. Novak, JINST 13 (2018) C02054 (link)
- Investigation of track structure and condensed history physics models for applications in radiation dosimetry on a micro and nano scale in Geant4, P. Lazarakis, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, S. Corde, A. B. Rosenfeld, M. Lerch, M. Tehei, S. Guatelli, Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 4 (2018) 024001 (link)
- Analysis Tools in Geant4 10.2 and 10.3, I. Hrivnacova, G. Barrand, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 898 (2017) 042018 (link)
- Numerical insight into the dual radiation action theory, J. J. Tello, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, H. Tran, M. A. Bernal, Phys. Med. 43 (2017) 120-126 (link)
- Validation of Geant4 Fragmentation for Heavy Ion Therapy, D. Bolst, G. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, G. Folger, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, T. Koi, D. Mancusi, L. Pandola, F. Romano, A. B. Rosenfeld, S. Guatelli, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 869 (2017) 68-75 (link)
- Simulation of early DNA damage after the irradiation of a FIbroblast cell nucleus using Geant4-DNA, S. Meylan, S. Incerti, M. Karamitros, N. Tang, M. Bueno, I. Clairand, C. Villagrasa, Sc. Rep. 7 (2017) 11923 (link)
- Microdosimetry of electrons in liquid water using the low-energy models of Geant4, I. Kyriakou, D. Emfietzoglou, V. Ivanchenko, M. C. Bordage, S. Guatelli, P. Lazarakis, H. N. Tran, S. Incerti, J. Appl. Phys. 122 (2017) 024303 (link)
- Flagged uniform particle splitting for variance reduction in proton and carbon ion track-structure simulations, J. Ramos-Méndez, J. Schuemann, S. Incerti, H. Paganetti, R. Schulte, B. Faddegon, Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (2017) 5908-5925 (link)
- Calculation of ionisation lineal energies for water and DNA bases using the Rudd model cross sections, Z. Francis, Z. El Bitar, S. Incerti, M. A. Bernal, M. Karamitros, H. N. Tran, J. Appl. Phys. 122 (2017) 014701 (link)
- Low-energy electron dose-point kernel simulations using new physics models implemented in Geant4-DNA, J. Bordes, S. Incerti, N. Lampe, M. Bardies, M.-C. Bordage, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 398 (2017) 13-20 (link)
- Geant4 Standard and Low Energy electromagnetic libraries, V. Ivantchenko, S. Incerti, EPJ Web of Conferences 142 (2017) 01016 (link)
- Biochip-based instruments development for space exploration: influence of the antibody immobilization process on the chip resistance to freeze-drying, temperature shifts and cosmic radiations, G. Coussot, , T. Moreau, C. Faye, F. Vigier, M. Baqué, A. Le Postollec, S. Incerti, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Int. J. Astrobiol. 16 (2017) 190-199 (link)
- Geant4-DNA simulation of electron slowing-down spectra in liquid water, S. Incerti, I. Kyriakou, H. N. Tran, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 397 (2017) 45-50 (link)
- Editorial: Monte Carlo simulations for medical physics: From fundamental physics to cancer treatment, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 33 (2017) 179-181 (link)
- Irradiation effects on antibody performance in the frame of biochip-based instruments development for space exploration, M. Baqué, M. Dobrijevic, A. Le Postollec, T. Moreau, C. Faye, F. Vigier, S. Incerti, G. Coussot, J. Caron, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Int. J. Astrobiol. 16 (2017) 82-90 (link)
- Review of Geant4-DNA applications for micro and nanoscale simulations, S. Incerti, M. Douglass, S. Penfold, S. Guatelli, E. Bezak, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1187-1200 (link)
- An implementation of discrete electron transport models for gold in the Geant4 simulation toolkit, D. Sakata, S. Incerti, M.C. Bordage, N. Lampe, S. Okada, D. Emetzoglou, I. Kyriakou, K. Murakami, T. Sasaki, H. Tran, S. Guatelli, V.N. Ivantchenko, J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016) 244901 (link)
- Implementation of new physics models for low energy electrons in liquid water in Geant4-DNA, M.C. Bordage, J. Bordes, S. Edel, M. Terrissol, X. Franceries, M. Bardiès, N. Lampe, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1833-1840 (link)
- Optimizing dose enhancement with Ta2O5 nanoparticles for synchrotron microbeam activated radiation therapy, E. Engels, S. McKinnon, M. Tehei, K. Konstantinov, S. Incerti, A. Rosenfeld, M. Lerch, S. Corde, S. Guatelli, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1852-1861 (link)
- Local dose enhancement of proton therapy by ceramic oxide nanoparticles investigated with Geant4 simulations, S. McKinnon, M. Tehei, K. Konstantinov, S. Incerti, A. Rosenfeld, M. Lerch, S. Corde, S. Guatelli, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1584-1593 (link)
- Study of the effect of ceramic Ta2O5 nanoparticle distribution on cellular dose enhancement in a kilovoltage photon field, S. McKinnon, E. Engels, M. Tehei, K. Konstantinov, S. Corde, S. Oktaria, S. Incerti, M. Lerch, A. Rosenfeld, S. Guatelli, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1216-1224 (link)
- Radiation damage to neuronal cells: simulating the energy deposition
and water radiolysis in a small neural network, O. V. Belov, M. Batmunkh, S. Incerti, O. Lkhagva, Phys. Med. 32 (2016) 1510-1520 (link) - Simulating the Impact of the Natural Radiation Background on Bacterial Systems: Implications for Very Low Radiation Biological Experiments, N. Lampe, D. G. Biron, J. M. C. Brown, S. Incerti, P. Marin, L. Maigne, D. Sarramia, H. Seznec, V. Breton, PLoS One 11(11) (2016) e0166364 (link)
- Recent developments in Geant4, J. Allison et al., by the Geant4 Collaboration, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 835 (2016) 186-225 (link)
- Special Issue: 32èmes journées des Laboratoires Associés de Radiophysiques et de Dosimétrie, L.A.R.D. 2015, S. Incerti, M.-C. Bordage, M. Bardiès, J.-M. Bordy, R. Gschwind (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 124 (2016) (link)
- Background study of absorbed dose in biological experiments at the Modane Underground Laboratory, N. Lampe, P. Marin, J. Castor, G. Warot, S. Incerti, L. Maigne, D. Sarramia, V. Breton, EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 124 (2016) 00006 (link)
- The impact of new Geant4-DNA cross section models on electron track structure simulations in liquid water, I. Kyriakou, M. Sefl, V. Nourry, S. Incerti, J. Appl. Phys. 32 (2016) 119, 194902 (link)
- Biochip-based instruments development for space exploration: influence of the antibody immobilization process on the chip resistance to freeze-drying, temperature shifts and cosmic radiations, G. Coussot, , T. Moreau, C. Faye, F. Vigier, M. Baqué, A. Le Postollec, S. Incerti, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Int. J. Astrobiol. (2016) (link)
- Geant4-DNA simulations using complex DNA geometries generated by the DnaFabric tool, S. Meylan, U. Vimont, S. Incerti, I. Clairand, C. Villagrasa, Comput. Phys. Commun. 204 (2016) 159-169 (link)
- The impact of autophagy on cell death modalities in CRL-5876 lung adenocarcinoma cells after their exposure to γ-rays and/ or erlotinib, O. Keta, T. Bulat, I. Golić, S. Incerti, A. Korać, I. Petrović, A. Ristić-Fira, Cell Biol. Toxicol. 32 (2016) 83-101 (link)
- Irradiation effects on antibody performance in the frame of biochip-based instruments development for space exploration, M. Baqué, M. Dobrijevic, A. Le Postollec, T. Moreau, C. Faye, F. Vigier, S. Incerti, G. Coussot, J. Caron, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Int. J. Astrobiol. (2016) (link)
- Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation of absorbed dose and radiolysis yields enhancement from a gold nanoparticle under MeV proton irradiation, H. N. Tran, M. Karamitros, V. Ivantchenko, S. Guatelli, S. McKinnon, K. Murakami, T. Sasaki, S. Okada, M.C. Bordage, Z. Francis, Z. EL Bitar, M. A. Bernal, J. I. Shin, S. B. Lee, Ph. Barberet, T.T. Tran, J. M. C. Brown, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 373 (2016) 126-139 (link)
- Simulation of Auger electron emission from nanometer-size gold targets using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, S. Incerti, B. Suerfu, J. Xu, V. Ivantchenko, A. Mantero, J.M.C. Brown, M.A. Bernal, Z. Francis, M. Karamitros, H.N. Tran, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 372 (2016) 91-101 (link)
- Complex cell geometry and sources distribution model for Monte Carlo single cell dosimetry with iodine 125 radioimmunotherapy, F. X. Arnaud, S. Paillas, J. P. Pouget, S. Incerti, M. Bardiès, M. C. Bordage, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 366 (2016) 227-233 (link)
- Single electron ionization and electron capture cross sections for (C6+, H2O) interaction within the Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) approach, H.N. Tran, D.D. Dao, S. Incerti, M.A. Bernal, M. Karamitros, T.V. Nhan Hao, T.M. Dang, Z. Francis, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 366 (2016) 140-144 (link)
- Extending Geant4 Parallelism with External Libraries (MPI, TBB) and Its Use on HPC Resources, A. Dotti, M. Asai, G. Barrand, I. Hrivnacova, K. Murakami, Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015 IEEE, 1-2 (link)
- Track structure modeling in liquid water: A review of the Geant4-DNA very low energy extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, M. A. Bernal, M. C. Bordage, J. M. C. Brown, M. Davídková, E. Delage, Z. El Bitar, S. A. Enger, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, V. N. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, I. Kyriakou, L. Maigne, S. Meylan, K. Murakami, S. Okada, H. Payno, Y. Perrot, I. Petrovic, Q.T. Pham, A. Ristic-Fira, T. Sasaki, V. Štěpán, H. N. Tran, C. Villagrasa, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. 31 (2015) 861-874 (link)
- GPU Acceleration of Monte Carlo Simulation at the Cellular and DNA Levels, S. Okada, K. Murakami, K. Amako, T. Sasaki, S. Incerti, M. Karamitros, N. Henderson, M. Gerritsen, M. Asai, A. Dotti, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 45 (2016) 323-332 (link)
- CERN Knowledge Transfer 2015 report (link)
- Progress in Geant4 electromagnetic physics modelling and validation, J. Apostolakis, M. Asai, A. Bagulya, J. M. C. Brown, H. Burkhardt, N. Chikuma, M. A. Cortes-Giraldo, S. Elles, V. Grichine, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, V. Ivantchenko, J. Jacquemier, O. Kadri, M. Maire, L. Pandola, D. Sawkey, T. Toshito, L. Urban, T. Yamashita, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 664 (2015) 072021 (link)
- Dosimetric study of sediments at the beta dose rate scale: Characterization and modelization with the DosiVox software, L. Martin, N. Mercier, S. Incerti, Y. Lefrais, C. Pecheyran, G. Guérin, M. Jarry, L. Bruxelles, F. Bon, C. Pallier, Radiat. Meas. 81 (2015) 134-141 (link)
- Microdosimetry for a carbon ion beam using track-etched detectors, I. Ambrožová, V. Vondráček, M. Šefl, V. Štěpán, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, O. Ploc, S. Incerti, M. Davídková, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 166 (2015) 247-252 (link)
- Contribution of indirect effects to clustered damage in DNA irradiated with protons, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Štěpán, M. Karamitros, M. Karabín, P. Dostálek, S. Incerti, M. Davídková, L. Sihver, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 166 (2015) 44-48 (link)
- Proton-induced direct and indirect damage of plasmid DNA, L. Vyšín, K. Pachnerová Brabcová, V. Štěpán, P. Moretto-Capelle, B. Bugler, G. Legube, P. Caffarelli, R. Casta, J. P. Champeaux, M. Sence, M. Vlk, R. Wagner, J. Štursa, V. Zach, S. Incerti, L. Juha, M. Davídková, Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 54 (2015) 343-352 (link)
- Improvements in Geant4 energy-loss model and the effect on low-energy electron transport in liquid water, I. Kyriakou, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, Med. Phys. 42 (2015) 3870-3876 (link)
- Calculation of cellular S-values using Geant4-DNA: The effect of cell geometry, M. Šefl, S. Incerti, G. Papamichael, D. Emfietzoglou, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 (2015) 113-123 (link)
- Simulation study of dose enhancement in a cell due to nearby carbon and oxygen in particle radiotherapy, J. I. Shin, I. Cho, S. Cho, E. H. Kim, Y. Song, W.-G. Jung, S. H. Yoo, D. Shin, S. B. Lee, M. Yoo, S. Incerti, M. Geso, A. B. Rosenfeld, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 67 (2015) 209-217 (link)
- Comparison of experimental proton-induced fluorescence spectra for a selection of thin high-Z samples with Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations, S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, G. Dévès, C. Michelet, Z. Francis, V. Ivantchenko, A. Mantero, Z. El Bitar, M. A. Bernal, H. N. Tran, M. Karamitros, H. Seznec, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 358 (2015) 210-222 (link)
- DosiVox: implementing Geant4-based software for dosimetry simulations relevant to luminescence and ESR dating techniques, L. Martin, S. Incerti, N. Mercier, Ancient TL 33 (2015) 1 (link) - Software download.
- Coupling of Geant4-DNA physics models into the GATE Monte Carlo platform: Evaluation of radiation-induced damage for clinical and preclinical radiation therapy beams, Q.T. Pham, A. Anne, M. Bony, E. Delage, D. Donnarieix, A. Dufaure, M. Gautier, S.B. Lee, P. Micheau, G. Montarou, Y. Perrot, J.I. Shin, S. Incerti, L. Maigne, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 353 (2015) 46-55 (link)
- PDB4DNA: Implementation of DNA geometry from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) description for Geant4-DNA Monte-Carlo simulations, E. Delage, Q. T. Pham, M. Karamitros, V. Stepan, S. Incerti, L. Maigne, Y. Perrot, Comput. Phys. Commun. 192 (2015) 282-288 (link)
- Proton Linear Energy Transfer measurement using Emulsion Cloud Chamber, J. I. Shin, S. Park, H. Kim, M. Kim, C. Jeong, S. Cho, C. Jeong, Y. K. Lim, D. Shin, S. B. Lee, K. Morishima, N. Naganawa, O. Sato, J. Kwak, S. H. Kim, J. S. Cho, J. K. Ahn, J. H. Kim, C. S. Yoon, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 349 (2015) 201-208 (link)
- The cytoplasm as a radiation target: an in silico study of microbeam cell irradiation, H. L. Byrne, W. Domanova, A. L. McNamara, S. Incerti., Z. Kuncic, Phys. Med. Biol. 60 (2015) 2325-2338 (link)
- Photochemical studies in low Earth orbit for organic compounds related to small bodies, Titan and Mars. Current and future facilities, H. Cottin, K. Saiagh, D. Nguyen, N. Grand, Y. Bénilan, M. Cloix, P. Coll, M.-C. Gazeau, N. Fray, D. Khalaf, F. Raulin, F. Stalport, N. Carrasco, C. Szopa, D. Chaput, M. Bertrand, F. Westall, A. Mattioda, R. Quinn, A. Ricco, O. Santos, G. Baratta, G. Strazzulla, M.E. Palumbo, A. Le Postollec, M. Dobrijevic, G. Coussot, F. Vigier, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, S. Incerti, T. Berger, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 84 (2015) 60-73 (link)
- The influence of DNA configuration on the direct strand break yield, M. A. Bernal, C. E. deAlmeida, S. Incerti, C. Champion, V. Ivanchenko, Z. Francis, Comp. Math. Meth. Med. (2015) 417501 (link)
- Modeling proton and alpha elastic scattering in liquid water in Geant4-DNA, H. N. Tran, Z. El Bitar, C. Champion, M. Karamitros, M. A. Bernal, Z. Francis, V. Ivantchenko, S. B. Lee, J. I. Shin, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 343 (2015) 132-137 (link)
- Geant4 VMC 3.0, I Hrivnacova, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 (2015) 072020J (link)
- Editorial of special section: selected papers from the Geant4 2013 international user conference at the physics-medicine-biology frontier, S. Incerti, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) 7565-7571 (link). Whole volume available here.
- Carbon ion fragmentation effects on the nanometric level behind the Bragg peak depth, Z. Francis, E. Seif, S. Incerti, C. Champion, M. Karamitros, M. A. Bernal, V. N. Ivanchenko, A. Mantero, H. N. Tran, Z. El Bitar, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) 7691-7702 (link)
- Influence of chromatin condensation on the number of direct DSB damages induced by ions studied using a Monte Carlo code, M. Dos Santos, I. Clairand, G. Gruel, J. F. Barquinero, S. Incerti, C. Villagrasa, Rad. Prot. Dos. 161 (2014) 469-473 (link)
- Recent developments in Geant4, M. Asai, A. Dotti, M. Verderi, D. H. Wright and the Geant4 Collaboration, Ann. Nucl. Ener. 82 (2014) 19-28 (link)
- Geant4 simulations for sedimentary grains in infinite matrix conditions: The case of alpha dosimetry, L. Martin, N. Mercier, S. Incerti, Rad. Meas. 70 (2014) 39-47 (link)
- Diffusion-controlled reactions modeling in Geant4-DNA, M. Karamitros, S. Luan, M.A. Bernal, J. Allison, G. Baldacchino, M. Davidkova, Z. Francis, W. Friedland, V. Ivantchenko, A. Ivantchenko, A. Mantero, P. Nieminem, G. Santin, H.N. Tran, V. Stepan, S. Incerti, J. Comput. Phys. 274 (2014) 841-882 (link)
- Geometric algorithms and data structures for simulating diffusion-limited reactions, S. Bloom, M. Karamitros, S. Incerti, S. Luan, Simulation Series 46 (2014) 7-14 (link)
- Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics for LHC Upgrade, V. N. Ivanchenko, J. Apostolakis, A. Bagulya, A. Bogdanov, V. Grichine, S. Incerti, A. Ivantchenko, M. Maire, L. Pandola, W. Pokorski, D. Sawkey, A. Schaelicke, M. Schenk, S. Schwarz, L. Urban, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 513 (2014) 022015 (link)
- Simulating radial dose of ion tracks in liquid water simulated with Geant4-DNA: A comparative study, S. Incerti, M. Psaltaki, P. Gillet, Ph. Barberet, M. Bardiès, M.A. Bernal, M.-C. Bordage, V. Breton, M. Davidkova, E. Delage, Z. El Bitar, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, A. Ivanchenko, V. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, S.B. Lee, L. Maigne, S. Meylan, K. Murakami, P. Nieminen, H. Payno, Y. Perrot, I. Petrovic, Q.T. Pham, A. Ristic-Fira, G. Santin, T. Sasaki, H. Seznec, J.I. Shin, V. Stepan, H.N. Tran, C. Villagras, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 333 (2014) 92-98 (link)
- Performance of a new atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA-radiation interaction simulations, M. A. Bernal, D. Sikansi, F. Cavalcante, S. Incerti, C. Champion, V. Ivanchenko, Z. Francis, M. Karamitros, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 490 (2014) 012150 (link)
- Recent developments in Geant4, Geant4 collaboration, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC 2013), EDP Sciences, La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France, October 27-31, 2013, 03101 (link)
- Geant4 electromagnetic physics: improving simulation performance and accuracy, V. N. Ivanchenko, S. Incerti, J. Allison, A. Bagulya, J. M. C. Brown, C. Champion, S. Elles, Z. Francis, V. Grichine, A. Ivantchenko, J. Jacquemier, M. Karamitros, M. Maire, A. Mantero, J. P. Marques, L. Pandola, M. Raine, M. A. Reis, G. Santin, D. Sawkey, A. Schaelicke, M. Schenk, A. Taborda, L. Urban, T. Yamashita, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC 2013), EDP Sciences, La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France, October 27-31, 2013, 03101 (link)
- Comparison of Geant4-DNA simulation of S-values with other Monte Carlo codes, T. André, F. Morini, M. Karamitros, R. Delorme, C. Le Loirec, L. Campos, C. Champion, J.-E. Groetz, M. Fromm, M.-C. Bordage, Y. Perrot, Ph. Barberet, M.A. Bernal, J.M.C. Brown, M.S. Deleuze, Z. Francis, V. Ivanchenko, B. Mascialino, C. Zacharatou, M. Bardiès, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 319 (2014) 87-94 (link)
- Dose point kernels in liquid water: An intra-comparison between GEANT4-DNA and a variety of Monte Carlo codes, C. Champion, S. Incerti, Y. Perrot, R. Delorme, M.C. Bordage, M. Bardiès, B. Mascialino, H.N. Tran, V. Ivanchenko, M. Bernal, Z. Francis, J.-E. Groetz, M. Fromm, L. Campos, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 83 (2014) 137-141 (link)
- Influence of the chromatin density on the number of direct clustered damages calculated for proton and alpha irradiations using a Monte Carlo code, M. Dos Santos, C. Villagrasa, I. Clairand, S. Incerti , Prog. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 4, (2014) 449-453 (link)
- Integration of g4tools in Geant4, I Hrivnacova, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 513 (2014) 022014 (link)
- Extending Geant4 at the Physics-Medicine-Biology frontier, V. Breton, C. Champion, Z. El Bitar, M. Karamitros, S. B. Lee, L. Maigne, Y. Perrot, Q. T. Pham, J. I. Shin, H. N. Tran, S. Incerti, Trends in Computational Science and Engineering 3 (2013) 21-41 (link)
- Preparation of the Biochip experiment on the EXPOSE-R2 mission outside the International Space Station, F. Vigier, A. Le Postollec, G. Coussot, D. Chaput, H. Cottin, T. Berger, S. Incerti, S. Triqueneaux, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Adv. Space. Res. 52 (2013) 2168-2179 (link)
- An atomistic geometrical model of the B-DNA configuration for DNA–radiation interaction simulations, M.A. Bernal, D. Sikansi, F. Cavalcante, S. Incerti, C. Champion, V. Ivanchenko, Z. Francis, Comp. Phys. Comm. 184 (2013) 2840-2847 (link)
- Proton-induced ionization of isolated uracil molecules: a theory/experiment confrontation, C. Champion, M.E. Galassi, P.F. Weck, S. Incerti, R.D. Rivarola, O. Fojón, J. Hanssen, Y. Iriki, A. Itoh, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 314 (2013) 66-70 (link)
- A comparison between Geant4 PIXE simulations and experimental data for standard reference samples, Z. Francis, M. El Bast, R. El Haddad, A. Mantero, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, Z. El Bitar, C. Champion, M.A. Bernal, M. Roumie, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 316 (2013) 1-5 (link)
- Energy deposition in small-scale targets of liquid water using the very low energy electromagnetic physics processes of the Geant4 toolkit, S. Incerti, C. Champion, H.N. Tran, M. Karamitros, M. Bernal, Z. Francis, V. Ivanchenko, A. Mantero, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 306 (2013) 158-164 (link)
- Proton transport in water and DNA components: A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation, C. Champion, S. Incerti, H.N. Tran, M. Karamitros, J.I. Shin, S.B. Lee, H. Lekadir, M. Bernal, Z. Francis, V. Ivanchenko, O.A. Fojón, J. Hanssen, R.D. Rivarola, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 306 (2013) 165-168 (link)
- Geant4 electromagnetic physics for high statistic simulation of LHC experiments, J. Allison, J. Apostolakis, A. Bagulya, C. Champion, S. Elles, F. Garay, V. Grichine, A. Howard, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, J. Jacquemier, M. Maire, A. Mantero, P. Nieminen, L. Pandola, G. Santin, D. Sawkey, A. Schälicke, L. Urban, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 396 (2013) 022013 (link)
- Influence of the DNA density on the number of clustered damages created by protons of different energies, M. Dos Santos, C. Villagrasa, I. Clairand, S. Incerti, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 298 (2013) 47-54 (link)
- The Geant4 Virtual Monte Carlo, I Hrivnacova, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 396 (2012) 022024 (link)
- Theoretical ionization and capture cross sections for DNA nucleobases impacted by light ions, C. Champion, M. E. Galassi, H. Lekadir, S. Incerti, O. Fojon, R. D. Rivarola, J. Hanssen, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 88, (2012) 62-65 (link)
- In Silico nanodosimetry: new insights into non-targeted biological responses to radiation, Z. Kuncic, H. L. Byrne, A. L. McNamara, S. Guatelli, W. Domanova, S. Incerti, Comp. Math. Meth. Med. (2012) 147252 (link)
- Monte Carlo methods to model radiation interactions and induced damage, A. Munoz, M. C. Fuss, M. A. Cortes-Giraldo, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, A. Ivanchenko, J. M. Quesada, F. Salvat, C. Champion, G. Garcia Gomez-Tejedor, Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems, Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Part 2 (2012) 203-225 (link)
- Monte-Carlo dosimetry on a realistic cell monolayer geometry exposed to alpha-particle, P. Barberet, F. Vianna, M. Karamitros, T. Brun, N. Gordillo, P. Moretto, S. Incerti, H. Seznec, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012) 2189-2207 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulation of energy-deposit clustering for ions with the same LET in liquid water, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, C. Champion, M. Karamitros, M. Bernal, Z. El Bitar, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012) 209-224 (link)
- Geant4 hadronic physics for space radiation environment, A. V. Ivanchenko, V. N. Ivanchenko, J.-M. Quesada Molina, S. L. Incerti, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 88 (2012) 171-175 (link)
- Electron and proton elastic scattering in water vapour, C. Champion, S. Incerti, H. Tran, Z. El Bitar, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 273 (2012) 98-101 (link)
- Combination of electromagnetic Physics processes for microdosimetry in liquid water with the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, V.N. Ivanchenko, S. Incerti, Z. Francis, H.N. Tran, M. Karamitros, M.A. Bernal, C. Champion, P. Guèye, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 273 (2012) 95-97 (link)
- Effect of a static magnetic field on nanodosimetric quantities in a DNA volume, P. Lazarakis, M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, H. Rabus, A. B. Rosenfeld, Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 88 (2011) 183-188 (link)
- Biochip for astrobiological applications: Investigation of low energy protons effects on antibody performances, M. Baqué, A. Le Postollec, G. Coussot, T. Moreau, I. Desvignes, S. Incerti, P. Moretto, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Planetary and Space Science 59 (2011) 1490-1497 (link)
- The invariance of the total direct DNA strand break yield, M. A. Bernal, C. E. de Almeida, C. S. Sampaio, S. Incerti, C. Champion, P. Nieminen, Med. Phys. 38 (2011) 4147-4153 (link)
- Modeling radiation chemistry in the Geant4 toolkit, M. Karamitros, A. Mantero, S. Incerti et al., Prog. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 2 (2011) 503-508 (link)
- Recent improvements in Geant4 electromagnetic physics models and interfaces, V. Ivantchenko et al., Prog. Nucl. Sci. Tech. 2 (2011) 898-903 (link)
- Stopping power and ranges of electrons, protons and alpha particles in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA package, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, M. Karamitros, H.N. Tran, C. Villagrasa, published in Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 269 (2011) 2307-2311 (link)
- Investigation of Low-Energy Proton Effects on Aptamer Performance for Astrobiological Applications, M. Baqué, A. Le Postollec, C. Ravelet, E. Peyrin, G. Coussot, I. Desvignes, S. Incerti, P. Moretto, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Astrobiology 11 (2011) 207-211 (link)
- PIXE simulation in Geant4, A. Mantero, H. Ben Abdelouahed, C. Champion, Z. El Bitar, Z. Francis, P. Guèye, S. Incerti, V. Ivanchenko, M. Maire, published in X-Ray Spec. 40 (2011) 135-140 (link)
- Physical models implemented in the Geant4-DNA extension of the Geant4 toolkit for calculating initial radiation damage at the molecular level, C. Villagrasa, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, published in Rad. Prot. Dos. 143, 2-4 (2011) 214-218 (link)
- Molecular scale track structure simulations in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo processes, Z. Francis, S. Incerti, R. Capra, B. Mascialino, G. Montarou, V. Stepan, C. Villagrasa, Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 (2011) 220-226 (link)
- Comparison of Geant4 very low energy cross section models with experimental data in water, S. Incerti, A. Ivanchenko, M. Karamitros, A. Mantero, P. Moretto, H. N. Tran, B. Mascialino, C. Champion, V. N. Ivanchenko, M. A. Bernal, Z. Francis, C. Villagrasa, G. Baldacchino, P. Guèye, R. Capra, P. Nieminen, C. Zacharatou, Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708 (link)
- The Geant4-DNA project, S. Incerti, G. Baldacchino, M. Bernal, R. Capra, C. Champion, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, P. Guèye, A. Mantero, B. Mascialino, P. Moretto, P. Nieminen, A. Rosenfeld, C. Villagrasa, C. Zacharatou, Int. J. Model. Simul. Sci. Comput. 1 (2010) 157–178 (link)
- Effect of a magnetic field on the track structure of low-energy electrons: a Monte Carlo study, M. U. Bug, E. Gargioni, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, H. Rabus, R. Schulte, A. B. Rosenfeld, Eur. Phys. J. D (2010) 1-8 (link)
- Geometry and physics of the Geant4 toolkit for high and medium energy applications, J. Apostolakis, M. Asai, A.G. Bogdanov, H. Burkhardt, G. Cosmo, S. Elles, G. Folger, V.M. Grichine, P. Gumplinger, A. Heikkinen, I. Hrivnacova, V.N. Ivanchenko, J. Jacquemier, T. Koi, R.P. Kokoulin, M. Kossov, H. Kurashige, I. McLaren, O. Link, M. Maire, W. Pokorski, T. Sasaki, N. Starkov, L. Urban, D.H. Wright, Rad. Phys. Chem. 78, 10 (2009) 859-873 (link)
- Investigation of neutron radiation effects on polyclonal antibodies (IgG) and fluorescein dye for astrobiological applications, A. Le Postollec, G. Coussot, M. Baqué, S. Incerti, I. Desvignes, P. Moretto, M. Dobrijevic, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, Astrobiology 9(7) 637-645 (link)
- A free-parameter theoretical model for describing the electron elastic scattering in water in the Geant4 toolkit, C. Champion, S. Incerti, H. Aouchiche, D. Oubaziz, Rad. Phys. Chem. 78 (2009) 745-750 (link)
- Technical description of the CENBG nanobeam line, Ph. Barberet, S. Incerti, F. Andersson, F. Delalee, L. Serani, Ph. Moretto, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 267 (2009) 2003-2007 (link)
- Monte-Carlo Simulation of the radiation environment encountered by a biochip during a mission to Mars, A. Le Postollec, S. Incerti, M. Dobrijevic, L. Desorgher, G. Santin, Ph. Moretto, O. Vandenabeele-Trambouze, G. Coussot, L. Dartnell, P. Nieminen, Astrobiology 9 (3) (2009) 311-323 (link)
- Monte Carlo dosimetry for targeted irradiation of individual cells using a microbeam facility, S. Incerti, H. Seznec, M. Simon, Ph. Barberet, C. Habchi, Ph. Moretto, published in Rad. Prot. Dos. 133, 1 (2009) 2-11 (link)
- New Geant4 cross section models for PIXE simulation, H. Ben Abdelouahed, S. Incerti, A. Mantero, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 267 (2009) 37-44 (link)
- Recent progress of Geant4 electromagnetic physics and readiness for the LHC start, V. Ivanchenko, J. Apostolakis, A. Schaelicke, L. Urban, T. Toshito, S. Elles, J. Jacquemier, M. Maire, A. Bagulya, V. Grichine, A. Bogdanov, R. Kokoulin, P. Gumplinger, proceedings of Science 108 of the XII Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT08) conference, 3-7 November, 2008, Erice, Italy (link)
- The Geant4 visualisation system, J. Allison, M. Asai, G. Barrand, M. Donszelmann, K. Minamimoto, J. Perl, S. Tanaka, E. Tcherniaev, J. Tinslay, Comput. Phys. Comm. 178 (2008) 331-365 (link)
- A detailed ray-tracing simulation of the high resolution microbeam at the AIFIRA facility, F. Andersson, Ph. Barberet , S. Incerti , Ph. Moretto , H. Seznec , M. Simon, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 266 (2008) 1653-1658 (link)
- The Geant4 virtual Monte Carlo, I. Hrivnacova, Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, 2-7 September 2007, Victoria, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series, (link)
- Geant4 physics processes for microdosimetry simulation : design foundation and implementation of the first set of models, S. Chauvie, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, B. Mascialino, P. Moretto, P. Nieminen, M. G. Pia, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54 (6-2) (2007) 2619-2628 (link)
- Evaluation of phase effects in Geant4 microdosimetry models for particle interactions in water, S. Chauvie, S. Incerti, P. Moretto, M.G. Pia, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS ’07. IEEE Volume 1, Oct. 26 2007-Nov. 3 2007 Page(s):898 - 900 (link)
- Microdosimetry in high-resolution cellular phantoms using the very low energy electromagnetic extension of the Geant4 toolkit, S. Chauvie, S. Incerti, P. Moretto, M.G. Pia, H. Seznec, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS ’07. IEEE Volume 3, Oct. 26 2007-Nov. 3 2007 Page(s):2086 - 2088 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulation of the CENBG microbeam and nanobeam lines with the Geant4 toolkit, S. Incerti, Q. Zhang, F. Andersson, Ph. Moretto, G. W. Grime, M. J. Merchant, D. T. Nguyen, C. Habchi, T. Pouthier, H. Seznec, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 260 (2007) 20-27 (link)
- Recent Developments and Upgrades to the GEANT4 Geometry Modeller, J. Apostolakis, R. Chytracek, G. Cosmo, M. Dressel, V. Grichine, O. Link, W. Pokorski, K. Hoshina, P. Arce, D. Anninos, G. Guerrieri, I. Hrivnacova, M. Asai, M.H. Mendenhall, Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, 13-17 February 2006, Mumbai, Proceedings CHEP 2006, p.256 (link)
- Geant4 simulation of production and interaction of muons, A.G. Bogdanov, H. Burkhardt, V.N. Ivanchenko, S.R. Kelner, R.P. Kokoulin, M. Maire, A.M. Rybin, L. Urban, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 (2) (2006) 513-519 (link)
- Geant4 and its validation, K. Amako, S. Guatelli, V. Ivanchencko, M. Maire, B. Mascialino, K. Murakami, L. Pandola, S. Parlati, M.G. Pia, M. Piergentili, T. Sasaki, L. Urban, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Suppl. (150) (2006) 44-49, (link)
- Geant4 developments and applications, J. Allison et al. - the Geant4 collaboration, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 (1) (2006) 270-278 (link)
- Models of biological effects of radiation in the Geant4 Toolkit, S. Chauvie, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, S. Incert, B. Mascialino, G. Montarou, P. Moretto, P. Nieminen, M.G. Pia, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2006. IEEE Volume 2, Oct. 29 2006-Nov. 1 2006 Page(s):803 - 805 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulation of electromagnetic interactions of radiation with liquid water in the framework of the Geant4-DNA project, S. Chauvie, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, B. Mascialino, G. Montarou, P. Moretto, P. Nieminen, M. G. Pia, , Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2006. IEEE Volume 2, Oct. 29 2006-Nov. 1 2006 Page(s):796 - 802 (link)
- Monte Carlo simulation of interactions of radiation with biological systems at the cellular and DNA levels : The Geant4-DNA Project, S. Chauvie, Z. Francis, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, B. Mascialino, G. Montarou, Ph. Moretto, P. Nieminen, M. G. Pia (The Geant4-DNA Collaboration), Rad. Res. Vol. 166 (4) (2006) 652-689 (link)
- Cellular geometry modeling for Monte Carlo microdosimetry, T. Pouthier, H. Seznec, S. Incerti, O. Boissonnade, Ph. Moretto, Rad. Res. Vol. 166 (4) (2006) 652-689 (link)
- A comparison of cellular irradiation techniques with alpha particles using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit, S. Incerti N. Gault, C. Habchi, J.L. Lefaix, Ph. Moretto, J.L. Poncy, T. Pouthier, H. Seznec, Rad. Prot. Dos. 122, 1-4, 327-329 (2006) (link)
- Geant4 simulation of the new CENBG micro and nanoprobes facility, S. Incerti, C. Habchi, Ph. Moretto, J. Olivier, H. Seznec, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 249 (2006) 738-742 (link)
- A comparison of ray-tracing software for the design of quadrupole microbeam systems, S. Incerti, R.W. Smith, M. Merchant, G.W. Grime, F. Méot, L. Serani, Ph. Moretto, C. Touzeau, Ph. Barberet, C. Habchi, D.T. Nguyen, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 231 (2005) 76-85 (link)
- Geant4 standard electromagnetic package for HEP applications, H. Burkhardt, V.M. Grichine, P. Gumplinger, V.N. Ivanchenko, R.P. Kokoulin, M. Maire, L. Urban, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE Volume 3, 16-22 Oct. 2004 Page(s): 1907 - 1910, Vol. 3 (link)
- Simulation of cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line using Geant4, S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, R. Villeneuve, P. Aguer, E. Gontier, C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto, D.T. Nguyen, T. Pouthier, R.W. Smith, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 51 (4) (2004) 1395-1401 (link) and arXiv:physics/0310130 (2004) (link)
- Geant4 - a simulation toolkit, S. Agostinelli et al. - the Geant4 collaboration, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. A 506 (2003) 250-303 (link)
- Simulation of ion propagation in the microbeam line of CENBG using Geant4, S. Incerti, Ph. Barberet, B. Courtois, C. Michelet-Habchi, Ph. Moretto, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. B 210 (2003) 92-97 (link)