Implementation of EPICS2017 on Geant4 Livermore photon models
Please cite the following paper:
Implementation of the EPICS2017 database for photons in Geant4,
Z. Li, C. Michelet, S. Incerti, I. Ivanchenko, M. Novak, S. Guatelli, H. Seznec,
Phys. Med. 95 (2022) 94-115 (link)
Thank you.
Description of EPICS2017 data
Technical note: EPICS2017
EPICS2017/EPICS2014/EPDL97 data are available via IAEA website. We wish to deeply thank Dr D. E. Cullen for kindly providing the EPICS data files.
Implementation for gamma conversion process
Technical note: gamma conversion
Comparison of pair production cross-sections between EPICS2017 and EPDL97
Comparison of triplet production cross-sections between EPICS2017 and EPDL97
ROOT macros (see list in the technical note above)
Implementation for Compton effect
Technical note: Compton effect
Comparison of cross-sections between EPICS2017 and EPDL97
Comparison of scattering functions between EPICS2017 and EPDL97
Relative difference in fitted scattering functions of Compton effect as a function of momentum transfer for Geant4 11.0 (EPICS2017) and 10.6 (EPDL97)
ROOT macros (see list in the technical note above)
Implementation for the photoelectric effect
Technical note: photoelectric effect
Comparison of binding energies between EPICS2017 and EPDL97. This also includes relative difference (RD) compared to tabulated values.
Comparison of total cross-sections between EPICS2017 and EPDL97. This also includes relative difference (RD) compared to tabulated values.
Fitted subshell cross-sections of for Geant4 11.0: low energy fit (blue filled squares), high energy fit (red open circles), tabulated EPICS2017 (green points). This also includes relative difference (RD) compared to tabulated values.
Maximal relative difference in low energy fit and high energy fit of subshell cross-sections of the photoelectric effect, as a function of atomic number (Z: 1-100) for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and 10.6 (blue filled squares).
Mean absolute relative difference in low energy fit and high energy fit of subshell cross-sections of the photoelectric effect, as a function of atomic number (Z: 1-100), for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and 10.6 (blue filled squares).
Maximal relative difference in low energy fit and high energy fit of total cross-sections of the photoelectric effect as a function of atomic number (Z: 1-100), for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and Geant4 10.6 (blue filled squares).
ROOT macros (see list in the technical note above)
Implementation for Rayleigh scattering
Technical note: Rayleigh scattering
Comparison of cross-sections between EPICS2017 (red open circles) and EPDL97 (blue filled squares)
Comparison of form factors between EPICS2017 (red open circles) and EPDL97 (blue filled squares)
Relative difference in fitted square of form factors of Rayleigh scattering as a function of momentum transfer, for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and 10.6 (blue filled squares).
Mean absolute relative difference in fitted square of form factors of Rayleigh scattering compared to tabulated data as a function of atomic number (Z: 1-100), for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and Geant4 10.6 (blue filled squares).
ROOT macros (see list in the technical note above)
Comparative study of Geant4 photon models with respect to the XCOM data library
Technical note: comparative study
Result files
Mass attenuation coefficient and relative difference (RD) compared to the XCOM database for the selected materials as a function of energy, for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles) and 10.6 (blue open squares) as well as XCOM data (green filled triangles), for:
Maximal relative difference in mass attenuation coefficients as a function of atomic number, for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles for the selected chemical elements, cross + for compound materials) and 10.6 (blue filled squares for the selected chemical elements, cross × for compound materials) compared to XCOM, for total and each process. The values for the selected compound materials are represented according to their effective atomic number: 3.3 for water and 4.4 for ICRU compact bone.
Mean absolute relative difference in mass attenuation coefficients as a function of atomic number, for Geant4 11.0 (red open circles for the selected chemical elements, cross + for compound materials) and 10.6 (blue filled squares for the selected chemical elements, cross × for compound materials) compared to XCOM, for total and each process. The values for the selected compound materials are represented according to their effective atomic number: 3.3 for water and 4.4 for ICRU compact bone.
ROOT macros (see list in the technical note above)
Last updated on 01/03/2022